Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whaler's Village Maui

Rather than a planned shore excursion, today we decided to "wing it" on our own time. 

After visiting the Banyon Tree we took the readily available public transportation (fancy wording for public bus) and it couldn't be more convenient.  We just crossed the street walked one block, and there it was.

5 miles later and we were at Whaler's Village and the beach.  It was fantastic.

Whaler's Village is a shopping center located directly on the  Kaanapali Beach.  Nopt only are there stores for shopping and restaurants for eating, but the rest rooms are conveniently located where you can easily change from day cloths to swimming suits so as to enjoy the water.

This was one of our best days on the cruise.  The surf was rough enough to play in but not so big as to be dangerous.  We could have spent a week just on this beach.

This shopping center even had a museum of the past history of Whaler's Village.

And the scenery was fantastic.

Next post ...  our departure from Maui and a few shots of the whales around the ship.

Questions and comments always welcome.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Banyon Tree

This Banyan Tree was planted in April, 1873, and marked the 50th Anniversary of Christian missionary work in Lahaina. The tree was imported from India and was only 8 feet tall. It now stands over 60 feet high, has 12 major trunks in addition to a huge core. It stretches over a 200-foot area and shades 2/3 of an acre. Caring members of the community carefully maintain the symmetrical shape of the Banyan Tree. It is one of the largest Indian Banyan trees in the world.

Park benches surround the outskirts of the square.

What one must keep in mind while viewing these photos is that this is ONE (1) tree.  It has many trunks and even more branches between these trunks, but in the end it is just one tree.

The next post ... Whaler's Village and the beach.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunrise Over Maui

Like a dream, to wake up to a sunrise over the island of Maui defies description.  This is a moment one needs to experience and then don't even try to express the feelings to others, it just can't be done.

Breakfast on the balcony, the sun peaking over the peaks, the water slapping against the hull of Golden Princess and to add the cherry on top, the whales in the distance.  This is truely a magical island.

Here are the photos I took before departing Golden Princess for our final port of call in the Hawaiian Islands.

Next post ... A very special tree in a very special place.

Questions and comments always welcome.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Smith's Family Luau and Pig Roast

Second only to the cruise itself, attending a Luau headed up our list of must do's.  As we read on many of the boards, finding a luau that fit with the schedule of Golden Princess and not interfering with other must see's.

We worried and searched for each of our ports of call, all the time the Smith Family Luau was right there for the picking on the Princess Shore Excursion page.  Once we found it, we could not find any information or photos of the event so we booked it with trepidation.

While it was an expensive excursion, it was worth double the price.  There was nothing about a luau that we wanted to experience that was not presented to us on this outing. We had a fabulous outing and everyone we met seemed to have the same feeling about this luau.  I would highly recommend this outing to anyone who is looking for a luau, it was well worth the time and the money.

Next post we arrive in Maui.

Questions and comments always welcome.