I came to learn, later in the cruise, that the dance group on Golden Princess train and then perform as a group for an extended period of time. After their training they then are assigned to one of the Princess Grand Ships. After a specified period of time (I think it is something like 4 months) they get a break and then remain as a group as they transfer to another of the Grand Ships. The end result is that these dancers get to know each other as performers and the end result is that they become a much better group than if they split up after each term on a ship.
This group of performers were some of the best I have seen in a very long time. Princess, you have found a magical formula for your entertainment staff and it shows in the level of performance they exhibit to your guests. They are to be congratulated.
Here are just some of the photos I took during this performance. Please remember that flash photography was not permitted thus some photos lack the detail and crispness I would have liked but this is better than nothing.
REMEMBER: Get to the theatre early, order a drink and then people watch. It is well worth your time to arrive early and get a good seat. It is also fun to watch the late arrivals as they fight with the chair hogs who attempt to reserve seats in spite of all the best efforts of the crew to eliminate these problems.
Now I wish to make this very clear ... All the 3D, 2D or any "D" photos in the world can't replace the live event. If I though for even one moment something would be lost in the enjoyment of this production by the posting of these photos you can be assured I would not have posted them. There is nothing that can replace actually sitting in the theatre, hearing the music, listening to the singers, and watching the dancing. I now understand why Princess does not allow video taking, however, even video would not do these shows justice. The only way you can truely appreciate the talent of these performers is to experience it live (on Golden Princess of course).
Next Post: Day 3 as we get closer to Hawaii.
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