Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to View "cross-eye" 3D Photos

There are many sites on the web that give different approaches to viewing "cross eye" 3D stereo photos.  The one I found which gives the clearest and easiest method can be found here.    This is what they say:

Stereo photographs on computer monitors are normally viewed by slightly crossing the eyes until the two images lock together to form one stereo picture in the centre. If at first you find this difficult, here is a hint on how to go about it.

Hold your thumb in front of your face, about four inches (10 cm) from the tip of your nose. Look at your thumb, but actually direct your attention over it toward the stereo picture on the monitor.

It will probably be out of focus, but the two halves will be nearly overlapped. Adjust the distance of your thumb nearer or farther until you get the stereo picture to lock into one central image.
All you have to do now is focus on the monitor without uncrossing your eyes. This is easy for some people, difficult for others. Just remember that eye muscles are like other muscles; you have to train them and, perhaps, strengthen them.
Practicing the above exercize will do this. Think of it as aerobics for eyeballs. Even if your eye muscles get tired, you will not harm your eyes viewing stereo pictures. Just don't overdo it until you become comfortable with it. If you build up your muscles a little at a time, holding your eyes in the crossed position will soon become as restful as normal viewing.

I have chosen this photo for you to practice with as it has proven to be one the majority of people have had success with and the 3D effect is more pronounced.  Once you practice with this one and become acustomed to the feeling of your eyes when viewing, the other will be easier to view.

Please let me know if you are getting any success with this or if you need more help.

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